Creating Matariki stars using Google Drawings

Today for our Cybersmart lesson we created Matariki stars. We first discussed the theme for this year’s Matariki celebration which is Matariki heri kai. Matariki bringer of food. For our create task, we created our stars. We used images, line tools and shapes to create our stars.  We also had to order the appearance of our images either to the back or to the front of our star. It was a fun activity today.

Here are the stars designed by Summer and Jonah

Creating a visual mihi

Today for our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Tofa, we created out own visual mihi. A visual mihi tells others about you through images. We were encouraged not to use words. We discussed that images we use for our visual mihi have to be cybersmart and promotes us positively.

We used google drawings to create our visual mihi. We also learnt now to change the shape of our images using the mask image tool.

Below is Jonah’s visual mihi

Creating Samoan patterns in Google Drawings

Today we were creating Samoan patterns in Google Drawings. We looked at some tapa designs and identified the shapes in the different patterns. Mrs Tofa then demonstrated how to use the line tools in Google Drawings. We then accessed the template from our class site and started creating our own tapa designs.

The different tools in Google Drawings we used today are:

  • Polyline
  • Scribble
  • Line
  • Curve connector
  • Curve

Here are some designs created by members of our class.

More of our cybersmart learning

Today we learnt about internet permanence. It is about remembering that what we post or publish online can be there forever. Before we publish or post online, we have to think if our parents, principal or teacher will be proud of what we post. We also have to remember that many people will read what we post online and we should always be cybersmart and represent ourselves with pride.

For our create activity, we made some posters using slogans which will remind people about internet premanence. Here is Kiani’s poster.

Learning about our digital footprint

Today in cybersmart with Mrs Tofa, we learnt about our digital footprint. All the sites we visit online are recorded in our browser history which adds to our digital footprint.

It is very important to be at the right place, at the right time with the right attitude. That is a message we have to remind ourselves everyday.

Our activity today was to look at our history for the past 24 hours and record what sites we have visited. We then used images to record these sites on a beach background.

Here is Jonah’s digital footprint from the last 24 hours

Learning to create comic strips with Google Drawings

Today, Mrs Grant taught us how to create comic strips with Google Drawings.

To make our comic strips, we opened a new google drawing then changed the size of the page to 30X10 centimetres. We then used photos from our class making Anzac biscuits for our comic strips. After inserting the photos on the google drawing we inserted the speech bubbles using callouts. We used gradient colours for our comic strip background and the borders for the photos were 8px thick.

We had a lot of fun creating our comic strips today. Here are some comic strips created by some of our class members.


Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu and Smart Footprint

Today we were excited to explore our new Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu Team. We used Google Earth to explore the location of the schools in our team and Google Maps to see how far they are from Pt England School.  We looked at the school buildings, playground and sports fields to see how similar they are to Pt England School. We noticed lots of green paddocks and bush around Manakau School.

Visit our team’s blogs from the Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu widget in the right side bar.

We have also been learning about the difference between public and private when we share personal information about ourselves online.

We explored some awesome blogs from Manaiakalani learners and tried a Thought and Sort to practise making smart decisions online.



Do you know what a Tangram is? Read our blog post then let us know in the comments.

Today we were using our keyboard skills to rotate and flip shapes.

We used the Tangram builder to create different animals, objects and shapes. Visit our site and try the Tangram Builder.

We screenshot our Tangrams and shared them in a slide deck.

Summer was able to build all of these using the Tangram Builder. Can you name each of them?