Today for our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Tofa, we created out own visual mihi. A visual mihi tells others about you through images. We were encouraged not to use words. We discussed that images we use for our visual mihi have to be cybersmart and promotes us positively.

We used google drawings to create our visual mihi. We also learnt now to change the shape of our images using the mask image tool.

Below is Jonah’s visual mihi

2 thoughts on “Creating a visual mihi

  1. Thank you for sharing your learning Jonah and the rest of Room 15!

    We enjoyed looking at the picture and working out what things might mean. We were wondering, how you made the mountains and tree? Was that using Google Draw and the polyline or was it something else?

    Your friends in Team Glory.

    1. Kia ora Team Glory, Jonah says the mountain and trees are images and he inserted them into his visual mihi.

      Thank you for the comment Team Glory.

      From Jonah and Room 15.

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