Today Room 15 watched a video of learners demonstrating the Kawa of Care. We challenged ourselves to spot all the examples in the video. All our ideas were recorded on the whiteboard and we took a photo to share on our blog.

Caylee used the slides recording tool to read our list.

We are excited to be getting our Chromebooks this afternoon. Mrs Grant has shared a bookmark challenge on our class site to help us to be in the right place at the right time, with the right attitude.

2 thoughts on “Kawa of Care by Caylee and Room 15

  1. Wow that’s a lot to remember! Well done with the recording Caylee. How exciting getting your Chromebooks. I know you will treasure them and look forward to seeing all the great learning you will be able to share so easily with them.

  2. Kia ora Room 15, I was impressed with how many Kawa of Care actions you were able to spot in the video. Kei te pai!
    Thank you for reading our list Caylee. This will be helpful to remind us what we do to take care of our Chromebooks.

    Ka kite anō au i a koutou,
    Mrs Grant

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