Today we shared some of the special things we have at home that are important to us and our whānau. These things are precious, like a pet, a special picture or object or family heirloom. This could be something special that has been passed to us from our grandparents.

We talked about how we look after our special things and keep them safe. We know it is important to hold them carefully and to have a special place to keep them. When we take care of our special things we are able to enjoy them for a long time.

We drew our special things and shared them with each other. We are looking forward to sharing on our individual blogs soon.

2 thoughts on “Something Special

  1. How lovely. I am looking forward to seeing your taonga shared on your blog. How lucky you were to have 2 teachers with you Room 15.
    We have photos of our Grandparents that are taonga in our whare.
    Great start to the Term Rm 15.
    Mrs Nua

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